Connected vehicles and personal data

The development of connected vehicles has raised many concerns from drivers concerning the protection of their personnel data.

With regard to the risk of the violation of the regulation applicable to the personal data by these new technological tools (sensors,...
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ECHR sets out the circumstances under which employees messages can be monitored

In its decision dated 5 September 2017, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sets out the circumstances under which employers can monitor their employees’ personal electronic communications at their workplace. It also states under which circumstances employers can...
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In light of the Equifax and CareFirst data hacking...

In light of the Equifax and CareFirst data hacking cases in the United States, Anne-Solène Gay was interviewed by Le Figaro on the French legal framework regarding class actions concerning personal data.

Article in Le tech & web...
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Space law: Luxembourg authorises the commercial exploitation of space resources

On the 13 July 2017, in the context of a program entitled "", Luxembourg passed a law authorising exploration and commercial use of space resources. This law which came into force on the 1st of August 2017 gives private stakeholders, subject to the granting...
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G29: new opinion on data processing at work

The Opinion n°2/2017 (WP 249) adopted by the G29 on 8 June 2017 aims at evaluating the risks resulting from the use of new technologies at work especially in terms of respect of employees’ privacy. ...
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The French Competition Authority launched a public consultation relating to online advertising

By a decision of 23 May 2016, the French Competition Authority (Autorité de la concurrence) decided at its own initiative to conduct a sector inquiry concerning online advertising in order to better understand the competitive situation and the conditions of data...
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CJEU states that The Pirate Bay infringes author's rights

The Pirate Bay is a BitTorrent online sharing platform which provides to internet users indexed links in order to localise protected works and to download them, without any hosted files on the platform. Thus, the exchange of files is realized directly between the internet users and not through...
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CJEU: The Pirate Bay infringes author's rights

The Pirate Bay is a BitTorrent online sharing platform which provides to internet users indexed links in order to localise protected works and to download them, without any hosted files on the platform. Thus, the exchange of files is realized directly between the internet users and not through...
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Anne-Solène Gay has been selected by The Best Lawyers™ in France


We are delighted to inform you that Anne-Solène Gay has just been selected for inclusion in the Eighth Edition of The Best Lawyers™ in...
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Online advertising transparency: the decree has been published at last

The article 131 of law n°2015-990 on digital advertising services was published on 10 February 2017. ...
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