French Government adopted new decree for foreign investment control

The French Government adopted a decree published on January 1st regarding foreign investment control. This new regulation is the logical consequence of the ...Lire la suite

EU publishes regulations on drones and their exploitation

Two regulations of the European Union related to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and Lire la suite

Client Choice Award 2019: BEHRING wins the award for its practice in IT & Internet law

We are delighted to inform you that BEHRING wins the Client Choice Award for its practice in IT & Internet law.

The official list of selected firms is available on the Client Choice website Lire la suite

The opening of bank data to Fintechs

The Directive n°2015/2366 of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market known as "PSD2" came into effect on 13 January 2018. This Directive which aims to ...Lire la suite

Digital platforms: the decrees strengthening transparency and loyalty obligations are published

Under the Act for a Digital Republic (loi pour une République Numérique) dated 7 October 2016, three decrees have been signed on 29 September 2017 ...Lire la suite

Space law: Luxembourg authorises the commercial exploitation of space resources

On the 13 July 2017, in the context of a program entitled "", Luxembourg passed a law authorising exploration and commercial use of space resources. This law which came into force ...Lire la suite

The French Competition Authority launched a public consultation relating to online advertising

By a decision of 23 May 2016, the French Competition Authority (Autorité de la concurrence) decided at its own initiative to conduct a sector inquiry concerning online advertising in order to better understand the competitive situation and the conditions of data ...Lire la suite

CJEU: The Pirate Bay infringes author's rights

The Pirate Bay is a BitTorrent online sharing platform which provides to internet users indexed links in order to localise protected works and to download them, without any hosted files on the platform. Thus, the exchange of files is realized directly between the internet users and not through ...Lire la suite

Online advertising transparency: the decree has been published at last

The on digital advertising services was published on 10 February 2017.

Adopted pursuant to Lire la suite

Paris court declared Facebook’s jurisdiction clause unfair

Facebook’s Terms of Service attribute exclusive jurisdiction to the Californian Courts in case of litigation with users. However, a French citizen sued Facebook before a French national court after one of his picture was censored and his account suspended.

The Paris court of first ...Lire la suite

Anti-terrorism: a new decree to delist websites praising terrorism

The n°2015-253 decree of March 4th 2015  regarding the delisting of websites encouraging terrorist actions or broadcasting child pornography was published in the Official Journal on March 5th ...Lire la suite

Cloud computing: a step forward to a global legal framework

The French Association for Normalization (AFNOR) created the Digitalization Committee n°38 (CN38) four years ago. Olivier Colas (Microsoft CEO in France) presides the committee composed of cloud computing professionals, technical and regulation experts and academics. Its objective is to set ...Lire la suite

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